T-79.3001 |
Logic in Computer Science: Foundations |
(4 cr) |
Spring 2008 (periods III and IV)
[General Information]
[Course Material]
[Home Assignments]
Previous years:
[Spring 2007]
[Spring 2006]
[Autumn 2004]
This is an introductory course on logic and its applications in
computer science. Subjects covered: propositional logic, predicate
logic, induction principle, model and proof theory, semantic/analytic
tableaux, resolution, and some examples of applications.
General Information
- Registration for the course
will begin on the 14th of January (12:00 hours). The deadline
for registrations is the 28th of January (14:00 hours).
- Lectures are given by Docent, D.Sc.(Tech.)
Tomi Janhunen:
Mondays 10—12, hall T1,
starting on the 21st of January, 2008
- Tutorials are held by
Emilia Oikarinen and
Antti Hyvärinen:
- Wednesdays, 10—12, T3, or
- Thursdays, 16—18, T1, or
- Fridays, 14—16, T1.
Tutorials start on the 30th of January, 2008.
- Course material: new lecture notes in Finnish (Edita).
- In order to pass the course one has to
- pass three compulsory home assignments and
- pass an exam (with a grade greater than 0).
The grade may be affected by bonus points
(see tutorials and course feedback for details).
- Brochure in Finnish
- Office hours: please see the lecturer's home page.
- Contacts via email: the alias
t793001 at tcs.hut.fi is recommended.
Please do not forget to mention your student ID!
- Newsgroup:
(using nntp)
at news.tky.fi
For Students from Previous Years:
- The last exam based on course requirements for
Spring 2007
is arranged in March 2008.
- Any unfinished home assignments can be completed by then.
- Bonus points earned by doing tutorial exercises in Spring 2008
apply to examinations arranged
after March 2008.
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Course Material
Lecture Notes
- The material presented at lectures
- Propositional logic (parts I and II) in print only
- Predicate logic (parts III and IV) in print only
- Solutions to some demonstration problems from
- Lecture notes can be ordered from Edita using the
TOPI system.
Parts I—IV have been delivered (as of Apr 24).
- Please avoid unnecessary printing of the material
to save printers, paper and thus nature !!!
English Track
Lectures are mainly based on two textbooks that we recommend
as the main references for foreign students:
Copies of both textbooks are available in the main library as well as
the CS library. The material presented at
will be translated into English (which enables English speaking
students to attend).
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Period III
Propositional Logic
Tentative schedule for lectures:
- The full material is only available in print (lecture notes)!
- Chapters 1—15 below refer to lecture notes.
- Introduction (Jan 21, 2008)
- Registration, practical arrangements
- Lecture 1 (Jan 28, 2008)
- Syntax and semantics of propositional logic
(chapters 1—2)
- Lecture 2 (Feb 4, 2008)
- Basic semantical concepts
(chapter 3)
- Lecture 3 (Feb 11, 2008)
- Semantic tableaux
(chapter 4)
- Lecture 4 (Feb 18, 2008)
- Classical proof systems
(chapter 5)
- Lecture 5 (Feb 25, 2008)
- Normal forms and resolution
(chapter 6—section 7.4)
- Lecture 6 (Mar 3, 2008)
- Resolution (continued),
computational complexity
(section 7.5—chapter 8)
Period IV
Predicate Logic
- Lecture 7 (Mar 17, 2008)
- Syntax and semantics of predicate logic
(chapter 9—section 10.1)
- No lecture (Mar 24, 2008)
- Easter holidays
- Lecture 8 (Mar 31, 2008)
- Semantical concepts and normal forms
(section 10.2—chapter 11)
- Lecture 9 (Apr 7, 2008)
- Semantic tableaux
(chapter 12)
- Lecture 10 (Apr 14, 2008)
- Knowledge representation
(chapter 13)
- Lecture 11 (Apr 21, 2008)
- Herbrand's theorem,
unification, and resolution
(chapter 14.1—14.4)
- Lecture 12 (Apr 28, 2008)
- Program verification
(sections 14.5 and 15.1—15.2)
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In each two-hour tutorial, there will be three tutorial
problems to be solved by students on their own beforehand
and two or three demonstration problems. Tutorials are not
compulsory but bonus points for exams will be
awarded on the basis of them. If you want to solve tutorial problems,
please get registered for one of the tutorial groups using TOPI
by January 28, 2008 (to enable the
bookkeeping of your tutorial points).
Period III |
| | |
Period IV |
T1 | Week 5 | Jan 30—Feb 1 |
T2 | Week 6 | Feb 6—8 |
T3 | Week 7 | Feb 13—15 |
T4 | Week 8 | Feb 20—22 |
T5 | Week 9 | Feb 27—29 |
T6 | Week 10/11 | Mar 5,and 13—14 |
| | |
T7 | Week 12/13 | Mar 19, and 27—28 |
T8 | Week 14 | Apr 2—4 |
T9 | Week 15 | Apr 9—11 |
T10 | Week 16 | Apr 16—18 |
T11 | Week 17 | Apr 23—25 |
T12 | Week 18 | Apr 29—30 and May 2 |
Each tutorial problem is worth one tutorial point which implies
the maximum of 36 tutorial points. In order to earn one tutorial
point, you are supposed solve one problem on your own and to declare
it as done at the respective tutorial session. Accordingly, you may be
asked to present your solution at the white board.
Tutorial Exercises
- Tutorial 1
in English
in English
- Tutorial 2
in English
in English
- Tutorial 3
in English
in English
- Tutorial 4
in English
in English
- Tutorial 5
in English
in English
Tutorial 6
in English
in English
Tutorial 7
in English
in English
Tutorial 8
in English
in English
Tutorial 9
in English
in English
Tutorial 10
in English
in English
Tutorial 11
in English
in English
Tutorial 12
in English
in English
Tutorial Points
Tutorial points are
converted into bonus points using the following scheme:
Tutorial points |
Bonus points |
0—5 |
-2 |
6—11 |
-1 |
12—17 |
0 |
18—23 |
+1 |
24—29 |
+2 |
30—36 |
+3 |
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Home Assignments
- Each student receives three personal home assignments (HAs)
during the spring term.
- Grading is done using the scale passed / not passed.
- Please observe:
one must pass all the three HAs before attending exams.
- Assignments will be delivered through our
home assignment server.
- Tentative schedule for spring 2008:
HA |
Launch date |
Deadline |
1 |
Feb 12, 2008 |
Feb 26, 2008, 24:00 |
2 |
Apr 7, 2008 |
Apr 17, 2008, 24:00 |
3 |
Apr 7, 2008 |
Apr 24, 2008, 24:00 |
- Results: lists of students who had pased
home assignments by the respective deadlines.
A bonus point was granted to
those who did all
three home assignments on time,
i.e., is mentioned in each of the three lists.
- Special office hours were organised Apr 21—24.
If you still need help with your home assignments please attend
the lecturer's office hours on
May 5, 15:00-16 or May 12, 15:00-17 in room TB335.
It is highly recommended that you have submitted
your solution before attending these events
(bring a copy of your solution on paper).
- It is still possible to make corrections to all three
home assignments (in order to attend exams).
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- Students who answered
the first,
the second,
the third, and
the fourth
questionnaire about the new lecture notes on time.
A bonus point was granted to those
who answered all four questionnaires on time.
- Since questionnaires are only available in Finnish (the material is
in Finnish) you may alternatively earn this bonus point by doing
your three home assignments on time. This is also applicable to
students who have not ordered the new lecture notes from Edita.
- General course feedback is now being collected in
Swedish, and
(open Apr 28—May 20, 24:00, 2008).
- A bonus point was granted to
who filled in the feedback form on time.
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- One must pass all home assignments before attending exams.
- In the sequel, the OODI system is used for registrations.
- A collection of all
bonus points
- May 13, 2008
(in English),
final results
(published June 16, 2008)
- August 18, 2008
(in English),
final results
(published Sempteber 10, 2008)
- October 29, 2008
(in English),
final results
(published November 10, 2008)
- January 8, 2009
(in English),
final results
(published February 10, 2009)
- March 7, 2009
(in English),
final results
(published April 17, 2009)
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[News Archive]
Latest update: 17 April 2009.
Tomi Janhunen