TCS / Research / Publications
Helsinki University of Technology, 
     Laboratory for Theoretical Computer Science

Publications in the Laboratory for Theoretical Computer Science

Note: These pages of the former Laboratory for Theoretical Computer Science are no longer maintained: no new publications have been added here after 2010-01-19.
Consider viewing the listing of the publications in the Department of Information and Computer Science, which is being regularly updated.

Report Series

Annual Reports

2007 (pdf), 2006 (pdf, ps), 2005 (pdf, ps), 2004 (pdf, ps), 2003 (pdf, ps), 2002 (pdf, ps), 2001 (pdf, ps), 2000 (pdf, ps)
1996, 1995, 1994, 1993

List of Publications in the TCS Laboratory

[Electronic versions of some of the publications are also available in this list. The availability has been decided by the authors who are responsible for guaranteeing that no copyright or other IPR agreement is violated by offering an electronic version of a publication through this listing.
For a missing electronic version you might want to consult the given URL or the home pages of the authors.]

Publications by type

Publications by author

Publications by year

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Latest update: 01 March 2010.