T-79.7001 Postgraduate Course in Theoretical Computer Science
T-110.7290 Research Seminar on Network Security
(3–5 cr)
Autumn 2006
Authentication and key establishment (AKE) is a cornerstone for securing
distributed systems. There has been extensive research designing,
breaking, and analyzing AKE protocols in
classical distributed system contexts. In recent years, there has been
increasing interest in new contexts and scenarios where the traditional
AKE protocols cannot be applied directly due
to various reasons such as resource constraints and differences in trust
This has prompted researchers to propose several new AKE protocols tailored
for the new scenarios.
The goal of this research seminar
is to understand the new scenarios and the AKE protocols proposed for them by
studying recent research papers.
This is a joint seminar between TCS (T-79.7001) and TML (T-110.7290).
The course T-79.7001 replaces the course
T-79.300 Postgraduate Course in Theoretical Computer Science.
The course T-110.7290 replaces the course
T-110.558 Research seminar on network security.
[General Information]
T-79.7001 in Previous years:
[Spring 2006]
[Autumn 2005]
[Spring 2005]
[Autumn 2004]
[Spring 2004]
[Autumn 2003]
[Spring 2003]
[Autumn 2002]
[Spring 2002]
[Autumn 2001]
[Spring 2001]
- [15 Dec 2006] Seminar is over. Remember to give feedback (NB: use the 79.3001 code; the 110.7290 code is used by another seminar)
- [20 Nov 2006] No meeting on Nov 27. Maarit's presentation postponed to Dec 1.
- [2 Nov 2006] Notice change in schedule: no meeting on Dec 8. Two presentations on Dec 1.
- [4 Oct 2006] A
review template is now available.
Papers, reviews etc. can be sent to the seminar mailing list. The mail
alias is ake06 Ät tcs.hut.fi
- [20 Sep 2006] Topic assignments, presentation dates, and review
assignments have been updated. Check, and notify the
co-ordinators if there are inconsistencies.
- [10 Sep 2006] A list of suggested topics and initial references
are available below. Some seminar
participants have already chosen their topics. Their names appear
in bold in front of their respective chosen topics. Topics
without any names attached are still available.
- [5 Jun 2006] The first seminar session is on Fri 15 Sep.
If you are interested in participating, please
- E-mail the
co-ordinators as soon as possible and to let them know
your intent to participate, and the topics you are interested in,
- and Register via TOPI
- Time, place: Fridays 9:00-12:00 a.m.,
seminar room T5.
- Coordinators:
Kaisa Nyberg,
room TB255;
N. Asokan,
room TA110.
- Registration by
- Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of network security and cryptography.
- Assets: Familiarity with traditional authentication and key agreement protocols.
- Credits: 3 cr (ECTS) for one paper+presentation. 1 cr
(ECTS) for two in-depth peer reviews of papers by other participants,
1 cr (ECTS) for an additional set of two in-depth reviews of
papers by other participants.
- Grading: Based on the quality of the paper, presentation,
own reviews of other papers, and participation in in-class or mailing-list discussions about papers
as well as feedback from peer reviewers.
- In the first meeting, the co-ordinators will introduce the area
of research, and briefly present the potential
- Each student will propose a topic to the co-ordinators and
reserve a date for the presentation. Topic proposals must be done as
soon as possible (preferably before
the course starts), and no later than week 37. Typically a topic
will be based on one or more research papers.
- The co-ordinators will nominate two reviewers for each paper.
- Each student should prepare a paper on their chosen topic. The
paper should be made available to the seminar participants at
least one week before the day of the presentation.
- At a minimum, the paper should be a good survey of the material
covered in the research papers related to the topic. An excellent
paper will break new ground: e.g., by proposing new solutions or
identifying flaws in the surveyed papers.
- The assigned reviewers will read the paper and provide written
reviews at least one day before the day of the presentation. The
reviews are expected to be in the style of peer reviews of
research papers using the review template
Reviews should be constructive: e.g., suggesting
ways of improving the paper.
- Based on the reviews and the discussion after the presentation,
the student can revise and re-submit the paper within one week.
Suggestions for topic areas
The following is a list of example topics. With each topic, we have
listed one or more pointers to sources that can serve as starting
points for your research. You need not (and should not) limit yourself
to this starter material only. You should only include relevant
material from this list, and include any other relevant material as
Update (Sep 10): Some seminar participants have already chosen their
topics. Their names appear in bold in front of their respective
chosen topics. Topics without any names attached are still available.
If you are not able to locate one of the papers listed below, ask the
seminar co-ordinators to borrow a local copy.
- AKE in sensor networks
- Jan-Erik Ekberg:
Key agreement between sensor network nodes
- Authenticating communication between an external query/sink node and a sensor network node.
- AKE in "First Connect" scenarios
The term "First Connect" refers to the initial setup of
a security association among two or more devices for subsequent
secure communication.
- Nie Pin: Key agreement protocols for First Connect
- Vesa Vaskelainen:
Theoretical bounds for human mediated data authentication protocols
- Jani Suomalainen
Comparative survey of AKE in "First Connect"
standard proposals, in terms of security, usability, and
- Authentication of humans
- Kristiina Karvonen:
Phishing-resistant authentication with human users
- Identity-based cryptography
- Dan Forsberg:
Identity-based authentication and key agreement
- Key agreement in groups
- Petri Jokela:
Key agreement and key management for Secure multicast
- Jukka Valkonen: Key agreement and key management for Secure multicast
in practise, Case: WiMedia
- Group key agreement protocols
- Maarit Hietalahti: Key agreement in clustered ad hoc networks
- Jan Hlinovsky: Password-authenticated group key agreement
- Analyzing AKE protocols
- Laura Takkinen: Analyzing security protocols with AVISPA
- RFID authentication
- Protocols for authentication and/or key agreement
- Correctness of RFID authentication protocols
Last modified:
Tue Dec 19 14:44:15 EET 2006
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