1. Rating Technical quality 3: Some errors which can be easily corrected, as described below. There are some conflicts, where I don't understand. For example, the paper states "every pair of nodes cannot reach each other within one hop", but later, it takes the "cliques" in the assumption, which indicates the one hop distance within the cluster. Further, if all participants stays in the radio range. There is no need to relay at all. Originality 2: Good survey of current state; no new ideas Editorial quality 3: Understandable with some effort, several improvements suggested below Since the paper described a lot on key establishment and different hierarchies and clustering topologies, diagrams and comparisons are suggested to provide for a clear view. The procedure to generate a group key and other temporary keys (e.g. blind key, session key) could be illustrate with a demostrative pictures. At last, the security requirements were stated, but there is no analysis of the algorithm about how it meets the requirements afterwards. Overall grade (overall, how do you rate this paper?) 2.5: Good Confidence (how confident are you about this review?) 2: I have some general knowledge of this subject 2. Detailed comments 2a. Technical quality The paper introduced a new solution for clustered AKE. It clearly addressed several key concepts, e.g. cluster, cliques and various tree topologies. But it fails to convince me why this new solution is superior to other approaches. Also, it does not describe existing schemes and ad hoc particularity well. Section 3 and 5 need more effort. 2b. Originality The paper does not propose really new ideas, but rather a technique description and review. It could be reinforced by giving a deep analysis of the described solution, for example, how efficient it is? any use cases or scenarios? Comparison of the complexity with other solutions. 2c. Editorial quality The language is ok, but more presentation manners are strongly suggested to provide while describing the key establishment process and structure. Diagrams, table and list make it much clearer. Good references: References seems OK. Nothing to say.