T-79.300 Postgraduate Course in Theoretical Computer Science (2-10
Spring 2004
[General Information]
Previous years:
[Autumn 2003]
[Spring 2003]
[Autumn 2002]
[Spring 2002]
[Autumn 2001]
[Spring 2001]
Ad hoc networks are originally designed for military environment in mind, especially to operate in hostile environment in the battlefield. Unfortunately, most of the ad hoc routing protocols are not designed to handle security at that level. This leads into situation that most ad hoc routing protocols (such as AODV) are vulnerable for hostile attacks. For example, an enemy node can participate on the routing protocol and totally paralyze the packet routing in the wireless network by telling to all our nodes that it has the best route to everywhere.
Today, ad hoc networks are used also in civilian applications, such as establishing wireless links between the mobile phone and its peripherals, or creating control network in industrial automation. However, the need for a good security solution is still crucial. Especially, since more and more people are relying on the communication networks and shortage of communication is considered to be a serious problem.
Traditionally, security at the ad hoc routing level can be done either by introducing security options to ad hoc routing protocols or by using other level security options, such as link level security or generic IPsec. Both alternatives do not operate very well in an environment where the nodes are mobile and change their location and routing frequently. For example, IPsec requires five to eight messages to establish a security association between the nodes.
In this seminar, we will look what impacts security brings into the other features of the ad hoc networks.
Topics for this seminar includes:
- Specialized ad hoc networks (sensor networks, core networks built in ad hoc manner, ad hoc networks with fixed network access, military and civilian networks)
- Mobility management problems (Micro/macro/micro mobility)
- Mobile nodes moving patterns
- Unequality of nodes
- Performance issues, quality of service
- Servicability, reliability and availability
- DoS attacks, compromised nodes
- Privacy in wireless networks
- The seminar starts on Mondays 16.15
- Time, place: Mondays,
4:15 thru 7:00 p.m.,
seminar room TB353.
- Coordinator:
Hannu H. Kari,
room TB253.
- Registration by
- Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of networking, ad hoc
networking principles and security protocols.
The lecture notes of the course
Special Course in Theoretical Computer Science in Autumn 2003
provide useful background material.
- Credits: Seminar presentation plus archivable
slides 2 cr per topic (for dissertation) 1 cr per topic (for master's thesis and journal/proceeding). Presentation time: 1 hour (for dissertation), 30 minutes (for others).
Extra credits: 4 pages own paper on seminar topic, related on the presentation: plus 1 cr.
Other documented individual research additional 2 cr per topic.
Presentation should include:
- Based on the work of the author(s) of the thesis/paper
- the problem what is solved
- the idea of the thesis/paper
- results of the thesis/paper
- Own work of the student
- good/bad comments on the thesis/paper
- applicability on hostile wireless ad hoc networks where nodes are moving frequently (or your own application area)
- possibility to improve the work
Active feedback from the audience is required after the presentation!
Contact professor to reserve your presentation slot and topic.
- 19.1 Course introduction. Objectives and structure of the seminar.
- 26.1 Lecture on applications on ad hoc networks: Catharina Candolin: Ad hoc based core networks in military environment
- 2.2 no lecture
- 9.2 no lecture
- 16.2 Hafeth Hourani: topic: "IPSec Overhead in Wireline and Wireless Networks for Web and Email Applications"
16.2 Deze Zhao: topic: Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks: Attacks and Countermeasures [*]
23.2 Deze Zhao: topic: The Vulnerability Analysis and Security Enhancements in AODV protocol for Wireless AD Hoc Networks [**]
1.3. Hafeth Hourani: topic: Journal: Tracy Camp, et. al.: A Survey of Mobility Models for Ad Hoc Network Research
- 8.3 Janne Lindqvist: topic: Perkins, et. al: Internet connectivity for mobile ad hoc networks presentation
8.3 Mohammad Abualreesh: Journal: Perkins, et. al: Internet connectivity for mobile ad hoc networks presentation
8.3 Hafeth Hourani: Journal: Xiaoyan Hong,Kaixin Xu, and Mario Gerla: Scalable Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks presentation
- 15.3 Maarit Hietalahti: topic: Stimulating Cooperation in Self-Organizing Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
15.3 Hafeth Hourani: Journal: P. Papadimitratos and Z.J. Haas. Secure Message Transmission in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
15.3 Mohammad Abualreesh: Journal: Jiejun Kong, et. al.: Adaptive security for multilevel ad hoc networks
- 22.3 Janne Lindqvist: topic: Journal: Jim Binkley, William Trost: Authenticated Ad Hoc Routing at the Link Layer for Mobile Systems
22.3 Hafeth Hourani: topic: MSc: Samal, Savyasachi: Mobility Pattern Aware Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
22.3 Hafeth Hourani: topic: MSc: Vanessa Ann Davies: Evaluating mobility models within an ad hoc network
- 29.3 Mohammad Abualreesh: topic: Dissertation: Jeff Boleng, Exploiting Location Information and Enabling Adaptive Mobile Ad Hoc Network Protocols
29.3 Hafeth Hourani: topic: Dissertation: Gretchen H. Lynn: ROMR: Robust Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks presentation
- 5.4 Janne Lindqvist: topic: Dissertation: Sung-Ju Lee: Routing and Multicasting Strategies in Wireless Mobile Ad hoc networks
5.4 Janne Lindqvist: topic: Adaptive core multicast routing protocol
5.4 Mohammad Abualreesh: topic: Dissertation: Kazantzidis Manthos: Adaptive Multimedia over Wireless IP Networks
5.4 Janne Lindqvist: topic: Journal: Realization of Integrated Mobility Management Protocol for Ad-Hoc Networks
- 12.4 No lecture, Eastern holiday
- 19.4 Mohammad Abualreesh: Dissertation: Ewerton Longoni Madruga: Multicasting in Ad Hoc Networks
19.4 Janne Lindqvist: topic: Proceeding: P. Papadimitratos and Z.J. Haas. "Securing Mobile Ad Hoc
19.4 Janne Lindqvist: topic: Proceeding: Secure Routing for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
- 26.4 Mohammad Abualreesh: topic: PhD: Phanse, Kaustubh Suhas: Policy-Based Quality of Service Management in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
26.4.2004: Hafeth Hourani: topic: Dissertation: Lough, Daniel Lowry: A Taxonomy of Computer Attacks with Applications to Wireless Networks
- 3.5 Janne Lindqvist: topic: Proceeding: Hao Yang, Xiaoqiao Meng, Songwu Lu, "Self-Organized
Network-Layer Security in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
3.5 Janne Lindqvist: topic: Proceeding: Ioannis Avramopoulos, Hisashi Kobayashi, Randolph Wang, Arvind
Krishnamurthy. Highly Secure and Efficient Routing.
([*], [**] several papers, see link list below.)
- Pointers to seminar material will be linked to the
schedule above by coordinator.
- Electronic copy of presentation slides and/or seminar paper,
together with any possible additional literature pointers
mailed by presenter to coordinator by the presentation date.
These will also be linked to the schedule above.
- Each speaker should discuss the material he/she
intends to cover in his/her presentation with the coordinator
ca. two weeks before the talk.
Specialized ad hoc networks
- sensor networks, military networks,...
- [*] Chee-Yee Chong; Kumar, S.P, Sensor networks: evolution,
opportunities, and challenges, Proceedings of the IEEE , Volume: 91 ,
Issue: 8 , Aug. 2003
Pages:1247 - 1256
- [*] Karlof, C.; Wagner, D., Secure routing in wireless sensor networks:
attacks and countermeasures, Sensor Network Protocols and Applications,
2003. Proceedings of the First IEEE. 2003 IEEE International Workshop on
, 11 May 2003
Pages:113 - 127
- [*] Intanagonwiwat, C.; Govindan, R.; Estrin, D.; Heidemann, J.; Silva,
F., Directed diffusion for wireless sensor networking, Networking,
IEEE/ACM Transactions on , Volume: 11 , Issue: 1 , Feb. 2003
Pages:2 - 16
Mobility management
Mobility patterns
Unequality of nodes
Servicability, reliability, availability
DoS, Intrusion detection, compromised nodes
Security, Privacy in wireless ad hoc networks
- Proceedings: Jiejun Kong, Haiyun Luo, Kaixin Xu, Daniel Lihui Gu, Mario Gerla and Songwu Lu, "Adaptive Security for Multi-layer Ad-hoc Networks
- Proceedings: Hao Yang, Xiaoqiao Meng, Songwu Lu, "Self-Organized Network-Layer Security in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
- Journal: Jiejun Kong, et. al.: Adaptive security for multilevel ad hoc networks
- Proceeding: P. Papadimitratos and Z.J. Haas. "Securing Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
- Journal: P. Papadimitratos and Z.J. Haas. "Secure Message Transmission in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
- IETF draft: P. Papadimitratos, Z.J. Haas, and P. Samar. "The Secure Routing Protocol (SRP) for Ad Hoc Networks
- [**] Bhargava, S.; Agrawal, D.P., Security enhancements in AODV protocol
for wireless ad hoc networks, Vehicular Technology Conference, 2001.
VTC 2001 Fall. IEEE VTS 54th , Volume: 4 , 7-11 Oct. 2001
Pages:2143 - 2147 vol.4
- [**] Weichao Wang; Yi Lu; Bhargava, B.K., On vulnerability and protection
of ad hoc on-demand distance vector protocol, Telecommunications, 2003.
ICT 2003. 10th International Conference on, Volume: 1 , 23 Feb.-1 March
2003 Pages:375 - 382 vol.1
- [**] C.-K. Toh, Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Protocols and Systems,
Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07548. (www.phptr.com)
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[News Archive]
Latest update: 23 August 2004.
Hannu H. Kari.