T-79.5303 Safety Critical Systems (4 cr)Spring 2008This is a basic course on Safety Critical Systems and the use of Formal Methods to verify and validate safety systems. Subjects covered this year are: Requirement Engineering, Hazard/Risk Analysis Methods, System Reliability, Safety Critical Hardware/Software and Verification/Validation Tools. We will be particularly interested in the B-method for specification and verification (used by e.g. Airbus). The course T-79.5303 replaces the earlier course T-79.232 Safety Critical Systems .
General Information
LecturesLectures by Ilkka Herttua and Teemu Tynjala will take place on Thursdays from 1700 hrs to 1900 hrs in Computer Science building lecture room T5. The tutorials are held right after the lectures. They last at most one hour. Fear not -- most days, we will finish everything by 7 PM ;)Here are the lecture times:
Ilkka's Lecture Slides
Teemu's Lecture Slides
TutorialsHome AssignmentThe compulsory home assignment needed to pass the course may be downloaded here: Assignment 2008.The B machine Access needed in the assignment is here: Access.mch The article related to Teemu's question 7 is here: Article for Teemus last question The material related to Ilkka's questions is here (in jpg format. Save them on your disk and zoom in to read them): Page 1 out of 3 Page 2 out of 3 Page 3 out of 3 You have until midnight May 9 to return the assignment. 50% of your grade will be determined by Ilkka's questions and the other 50% by my questions. Bonus from Ilkka's extra assignments will be counted to your benefit. Good luck in the assignment! Results for the assignment (As Excel): RESULTS_2008. Everyone passed and the lowest grade was 3, so you did very well. Have a good summer. MaterialWe support two textbooks in the course:Neil Storey: Safety Critical Systems Nancy Leveson: Safeware Both books cover the material necessary for completing the course. Feedback
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