T-79.5101 |
Advanced Course in Computational Logic |
(4 cr) P |
Spring 2006 (Periods III and IV)
[General Information]
[Lecture Notes]
[Home Assignments]
This is an advanced course on logic and its applications in computer
science and engineering. Subjects covered are:
modal logics (syntax, semantics, proof theory and computational
properties) and applications of temporal logic in concurrent and
distributed systems.
General Information
- This course replaces the former course
Logic in Computer Science: Special Topics I.
- Lectures: by Prof. (pro tem), D.Sc.(Tech.)
Tomi Janhunen, Tuesdays 10-12, room TB353,
starting on the 17th of January, 2006
- Tutorials: by
M.Sc.(Tech.) Matti Järvisalo,
Fridays 12-13, room TB353
- Course material:
- Lecture notes.
- M. Fitting. Basic Modal Logic. Handbook of Logic in
Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming, Volume 1, Logical
Foundations, 1993.
- E. Clarke and O. Grumberg and D. Peled.
Model Checking. The MIT Press, 1999. (Chapters 1-4)
- E.A. Emerson.
Automated Temporal Reasoning about Reactive Systems.
Logics for Concurrency, F. Moller and G. Birtwistle (Eds.),
Springer-Verlag, 1996, LNCS 1043, pp. 41-99.
- In order to pass the course one has to
- pass compulsory home assignments and
- pass an exam (with a grade greater than 0).
- Brochure in Finnish
- Program for lectures
- Office hours: please see the lecturer's home page
- Email contacts: the alias
t795101 at
tcs.hut.fi is recommended.
- Newsgroup:
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Lecture Notes
- A refresher on propositional and predicate logic
- Introduction to the course
Modal Logic I
- Introduction to modal logics
Modal Logic II
- Propositional modal logics
Modal Logic III
- Basic results about models
Modal Logic IV
- Some examples of modal logics
Modal Logic V
- Hilbert-style proof theory
Modal Logic VI
- Tableaux method
Modal Logic VII
- More about modal logic
Modal Logic VIII
- Introduction to temporal logics
Modal Logic IX
- Expressing properties with temporal logic
Modal Logic X
- Model checking
Modal Logic XI
- Tableau method for temporal logics
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Tutorials and their Solutions
(in Finnish)
- All tutorial exercises in one package:
20.1. Refresher in propositional and predicate logic,
solutions: [ps]
27.1. Tutorial 1,
solutions: [ps]
3.2. Tutorial 2,
solutions: [ps]
10.2. Tutorial 3,
solutions: [ps]
17.2. Tutorial 4,
solutions: [ps]
3.3. Tutorial 5,
solutions: [ps]
17.3. Tutorial 6,
solutions: [ps]
24.3. Tutorial 7,
solutions: [ps]
31.3. Tutorial 8,
solutions: [ps]
7.4. Tutorial 9,
solutions: [ps]
21.4. Tutorial 10,
solutions: [ps]
28.4. Tutorial 11,
solutions: [ps]
5.5. Tutorial 12,
solutions: [ps]
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Home Assignments
- Results of home assignments (HAs)
1-3 as of June 13, 2006.
- Each student receives three personal HAs during the spring term.
- Grading is done using the scale passed / not passed.
- Assignments will be delivered through personal
home directories.
- Home directories are created automatically for all registered students.
Passwords will be distributed when the first HA is launched.
- Tentative schedule for spring 2006 (to be completed):
HA |
Launch date |
Deadline |
1 |
Feb 10, 2006 |
Feb 28, 2006, 24:00 |
2 |
Mar 14, 2006 |
Apr 4, 2006, 24:00 |
3 |
Apr 12, 2006 |
May 2, 2006, 24:00 |
- In the third assignment, the task is to analyse a mutex algorithm whose
SMV source code can be found here.
- You may consult some brief instructions
to get started with SMV.
- SMV has been installed at
HUT/Computing Centre
Unix/Linux workstations.
- Check the
SMV site
at CMU if you wish to install the software on your own PC. We have
been reported that the version 2.5 for Windows/NT does not tolerate
inputs involving inequality (
!= ).
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Course Feedback
We welcome feedback which is collected centrally in
Swedish, or
until May 23, 2006, 24:00.
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- Exam May 18, 2006 (in Finnish,
final results
(published June 13, 2006)
- August 29, 2006, no examinees showed up.
- January 3, 2007, 9-12, T1
- Questions will be provided in Finnish only
(unless agreed otherwise).
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Latest update: 02 May 2007.