T-79.5501 Cryptology (5 cr)
Autumn 2005
[ Spring 2007 ]
[General Information]
[Other Interesting Stuff]
The course T-79.5501 replaces the earlier course T-79.503: Foundations of Cryptology
The course deals with the mathematical basis of modern cryptographic
algorithms. It can be taken as a special course in advanced level
undergraduate and graduate studies of computer science and
General Information
- Lectures by Prof. Kaisa Nyberg: Tuesdays 10-12, hall T3,
starting from 13th September. Lectures are held in Finnish but all
additional material is provided in English.
- Exercise sessions (two alternative groups):
- Thursdays 10-12, hall T3, held by Emilia Käsper in English
- Fridays 10-12, hall T3, held by Kaisa Nyberg in Finnish
- Course material:
- Textbook
Douglas R. Stinson:
Cryptography, Theory and Practice,
CRC Press, Boca Raton-London-Tokyo,
Second edition, 2002
- Other material
Additional material will be given.
- In order to pass the course, one has to pass the
exam. Additional exam points (max. 6 pts.) can be obtained by
doing homework exercises and participating in the exercise
classes. Exercises are not mandatory but strongly recommended.
- Newsgroup: opinnot.tik.krypto
- Exams:
- 24th October 2005, 9-12, hall T1 (for the course T-79.503)
- 14th December 2005, 9-12, hall T1
- March 2006 (Exam schedule for Spring 2006 not available yet)
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Lecture Notes
The following links refer to PDF documents.
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Students are encouraged to solve the exercise problems by themselves
prior to the respective exercise session. In the beginning of each
session, students can identify which problems they have solved and
obtain additional exam points. Students claiming solutions may be
asked to present them to the class.
The exercise problems are available as PDF files.
Session 1 (Sep 22 & 23):
Session 2 (Sep 29 & 30):
Session 3 (0ct 6 & 7):problems
(Correction to problem 3: Delete the hint )
Session 4 (0ct 13 & 14):problems
Session 5 (0ct 20 & 21):problems
Session 6 (Nov 3 & 4):problems
Session 7 (Nov 10 &11):problems (NB! corrected version)
Session 8 (Nov 17 & 18):problems
Session 9 (Nov 24 & 25):problems
Session 10 (Dec 1 & 2):problems
Session 11 (Dec 8 & 9):problems
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Other Interesting Stuff
Exam Oct 24, 2005 pdf
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Latest update: 16 January 2007.