T-79.4301 Parallel and Distributed Systems (4 ECTS)Spring 2007Modern software systems are often implemented as parallel and distributed systems. This can give benefits such as improved performance. However, designing, implementing, and testing such systems involves new challenges not fully addressed by traditional software engineering methods developed for sequential systems. This course will introduce the student to techniques for the development of parallel systems. The main used method is the modelling of parallel and distributed systems. These design models of systems can then be analysed through computer-aided verification methods. The main focus on the course is on modelling methods and practical modelling of parallel and distributed systems. Basics of computer-aided verification methods will also be discussed. Note: The course will be taught in English. The course contents and material will change somewhat from previous years, so old material might not be sufficient. Requirements: Exam and home exercises: at least 50% of points from home exercises to pass, at least 80% of points gives +1 to exam grade. Note: The exercises should be done individually, no exercise groups/sharing of solutions allowed. Prerequisites: T-79.1001/T-79.1002/T-79.148, T-79.3001/T-79.144, and the compulsory mathematics studies of the study programme. Lectures: Monday 12.15-14:00 in Lecture hall T3 (CS-building), first lecture on Monday 15th of January. Lectures and all material will be in English. Tutorials: Mondays 14:15-15:00 in T3, first tutorial on Monday 22nd of January! Literature: Lecture notes (slides) to be distributed through Edita. Note: The course contents and material will change somewhat from previous years, so old material might not be sufficient.
Lectures: Docent Keijo Heljanko. Tutorials: Stud. Tech. Tuomas Launiainen, email: t794301-spring07@tcs.tkk.fi Preliminary Lecture schedule:
Monday 15.1 at 12:15 - Lecture 1 (.ps.gz, 4 slides per page) The deadlines for home exercises are always at 12:15 and the deadlines are tight! Preliminary Tutorial schedule:
Monday 15.1 at 14:15 - No tutorial
Course Feedback Please give course feedback before 23rd of May at 23:59 using one of the links below.
The preliminary date for the next exam is Wednesday, 19th of December 2007 9:00-12:00 in Lecture hall T1.
Old Exams
Using the Spin model checker in the Computing Centre workstations
Spin and XSpin executables are installed in the
To make using the tools easier, you can first add the
Spin and XSpin should then be accessible by running the commands
Spin model checker homepage The course T-79.4301 replaces either the course T-79.179 Parallel and Distributed Digital Systems or the course T-79.231 Parallel and Distributed Digital Systems. [TCS main] [Contact Info] [Personnel] [Research] [Publications] [Software] [Studies] [News Archive] [Links] Latest update: 21 September 2007. |