T-79.5102 |
Special Course in Computational Logic |
(4 cr) P V |
Autumn 2005 (periods I and II)
[General Information]
[Course Material]
[Home Assignments]
This is an advanced course on knowledge representation, automated
reasoning and decision making. Subjects covered this year are:
advanced decision methods for propositional logic (Davis-Putnam, BDDs,
stochastic methods) and for rule-based reasoning.
General Information
- Please use the TOPI
system for registration. Late registration is possible
by contacting the lecturer.
- This course replaces two former courses:
Logic in Computer Science: Special Topics II
Foundations of Agent-Based Computing.
The course contents is based on T-79.154 this term.
- Lectures: Prof. (pro tem), D.Sc.(Tech.)
Tomi Janhunen,
Mondays, 12-14, room TB353
- Tutorials: M.Sc.(Tech.)
Emilia Oikarinen,
Tuesdays, 15-16, room TB353
- Course material: lecture notes and articles
- Brochure in Finnish
- Tentative schedule for lectures
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Course Material
Lecture Notes
Excercises from Tutorials
- Tutorial 1
- Tutorial 2
- Tutorial 3
- Tutorial 4
no solutions (a demo)
- Tutorial 5
- Tutorial 6
- Tutorial 7
- Tutorial 8
- Tutorial 9
- Tutorial 10
- Tutorial 11
Reading List
- [A97] Andersen, H.R.:
An Introduction to Binary Decision Diagrams.
- [F90] Fitting, M.:
First-Order Logic and Automated Theorem Proving.
Springer-Verlag, 1990, pp. 88-93.
- [KS96] Kautz, H. and
Selman, B.:
Pushing the Envelope: Planning, Propositional Logic,
and Stochastic Search.
In Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, Portland, OR, 1996.
- [SKC93]
Selman, B., Kautz, H.A., and Cohen, B.:
Local Search Strategies for Satisfiability Testing.
In 2nd DIMACS Challenge on Cliques, Coloring and Satisfiability, 1993.
- [N99] Niemelä, I.:
Logic Programs with Stable Model Semantics as a Constraint Programming Paradigm.
In Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Ingelligence, 24(3-4), 241-273,
Further Reading
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Course Feedback
We welcome feedback which is collected centrally in
the questionnaire is activated on the 9th of December, 2005.
- To obtain a 0.5 point bonus for the exams arranged in December
and March you are supposed to fill in the form by the 2nd of January, 2006
(24:00 hours).
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- Please use the TOPI system in order to get registered for an exam.
- December 21, 2005,
final results
(published, January 19, 2006)
- March 7, 2006,
final results
(published, April 12, 2006)
- May 9, 2006, no examinees showed up
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Home Assignments
- Results
- Home assignments are personal and supposed to be done individually.
- We create a dedicated home directory
for each student registered for the course.
- You should expect an email (on September 20, 2005) which
gives you access rights to your home directory.
- Submission by email (preferably an URL to visit)
to Emilia Oikarinen.
Please mention your student ID!
- Your report should include a short description
of your approach/solution (including the translation involved),
solutions (or counter examples) found and sample
runs (if appropriate).
- The first home assignment involves large boolean
functions (and quite large files). Please do not send
such big files (or their translations) to us.
Home assignments are to be launched as follows:
- HA1: September 19, 2005; deadline October 3, 2005.
- HA2: October 17, 2004; deadline November 7, 2005.
- HA3: November 14, 2004; deadline December 5, 2005.
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Precompiled programs have been installed in the machines of
computing centre: please consult the subdirectories of
~tomppa/T-79.5102/ .
SAT solvers
ntab developed by J. M. Crawford
(source code)
Crawford,J.M. and Auton, L.D.:
Experimental Results on the Crossover Point in Random 3-SAT.
Artificial Intelligence 81 (1996) 1, 31-57.
relsat developed by R. Bayardo and M. Schrag
(source code)
Bayardo,R.J. and Schrag, R.C.:
Using CSP Look-Back Techniques to Solve Real-World SAT Instances.
AAAI-97, 203-208.
satz developed by C. Li
(source code)
Li, C.M.:
A Constraint-based Approach to Narrow Search Trees for Satisfiability.
Information Processing Letters 71 (1999), 75-80.
chaff developed by M. Moskewicz et al.
Moskewicz, M.M., et al.: Chaff: Engineering an Efficient SAT Solver.
39th Design Automation Conference, Las Vegas, June 2001.
minisat developed by N. Eén and N. Sörensson
(source code and binaries)
Eén, N. and Sörensson, N.:
An Extensible SAT-solver
SAT 2003.
- A collection of benchmarks for
testing sat solvers.
LP instantiators and solvers
lparse developed by T. Syrjänen
(source code)
smodels developed by P. Simons and I. Niemelä
(source code)
GnT developed by P. Simons, T. Janhunen, and I. Niemelä
(source code)
Planning as a satisfiability problem
- Clauses can be instantiated using a program called
- As an example, check our encoding of
the blocks world domain for
instantiate ;
including an example due to Sussman.
- The output of
instantiate is a valid input
for GnT that computes minimal models for
the given set of rules/clauses.
- Alternatively, the internal
gnt/smodels format can
be translated into DIMACS-format supported by most SAT solvers
using a translator called dimacs .
- When using SAT solvers, a filter called
intp can be
used to printing models in a symbolic (rather than numeric) form.
- See some examples how
the programs are used to solving planning problems.
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[Contact Info]
[News Archive]
Latest update: 23 May 2006.
Tomi Janhunen