T-79.514 Special Course on Cryptology (2-6 cr)Autumn 2004: Cryptanalysis of Secret-Key PrimitivesNext seminar: 21.10.04
[General Information]
[Course description]
[Course Organization]
General Information
In this seminar, we are studying the security of symmetric cryptosystems: block ciphers, stream ciphers, hash functions, etc. The choice of this topic was motivated by the recent attacks (August 2004) on some fairly standard hash functions. We plan to cover those, among with attacks on other ciphers. We also study how to design provable secure ciphers, and whether "provable security" actually gives something. Signing up for the seminarFastest way: use Webtopi. If you are not from your university (and thus do not have an account at webtopi, then please send an email to the professor by 22 September 2004 with the following information:
This additional information is not needed if you have participated in Lipmaa's seminars before. Still, please send an email unless you register by webtopi. Registered students (contact us or register in webtopi if your name is not here): Billy Brumley, Phil Carmody, Viktor Gál, Tatiana Issaeva, Miklos Jakab, Matti Järvisalo, Mikko Kiviharju, Emilia Käsper, Sven Laur, Sikha Rao, Lauri Tarkkala, Alexey Vyskubov. LinksWant to know something about subject? Browse the link collection at http://www.adastral.ucl.ac.uk/~helger/crypto/. Previous years: [Autumn 2001] [Autumn 2002] [Autumn 2003] This page: http://www.tcs.hut.fi/Studies/T-79.514/ [TCS main] [Contact Info] [Personnel] [Research] [Publications] [Software] [Studies] [News Archive] [Links] Latest update: 22 January 2007. |