TCS / Current / News and events 2007
Helsinki University of Technology, 
     Laboratory for Theoretical Computer Science

News and events 2007


TCS Forum talk,TB353, at 14.15-15.00
Andreas Feldmann, RWTH University Aachen, Germany: Computing Approximate Equilibria in Network Congestion Games

The public examination of a doctoral thesis, at 12 o'clock noon, CS building, lecture hall T3
Candidate: Henrik Petander
Thesis: A Network Mobility Management Architecture for a Heterogeneous Network Environment
Opponent: Professor Jussi Kangasharju (Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki)
Supervisor: Professor Ilkka Niemelä

Presentation of a Master's Thesis, TB 353, at 15.15-15.45
Aleksi Hänninen: Boolean Satisfiability Problem and Cryptography

Presentation of a Master's Thesis, TB 353, at 11.15-11.45
Risto Hakala: Linear Cryptanalysis of Two Stream Ciphers

Presentation of a Master's Thesis, TB353, at 10.15-10.45
Samuli Larvala: Differential Compression for Efficient Software Updating


TCS Forum talk,TB353, at 14.15-15.00
Jorma Jormakka, Professor, National Defence University, Helsinki: On the existence of polynomial-time algorithms for the Merle-Hellman knapsack problem


The TKK board has approved "Master's Programme in Foundations of Advanced Computing" organized by the lab. The program starts in September 2008 and the deadline for application of students starting in Autumn 2008 is Jan 31, 2008. See further information


Matti Järvisalo and Emilia Oikarinen (TKK/TCS) receive the Best Student Paper award at the 23rd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'07) for their paper "Extended ASP Tableaux and Rule Redundancy in Normal Logic Programs".

The TKK award for "Supervisor of the Year" was granted to the chairman of the TCS lab, Professor Ilkka Niemelä, at the university's opening ceremonies on 6.9.2007. Palkintoteksti

Teknillisen korkeakoulun tietojenkäsittelyteorian laboratorio hakee DIPLOMITYÖNTEKIJÄÄ. Tarkempia tietoja


TCS Forum talk,T2, at 14.15-15.00
Alexander Hartmann, Professor Dr., Institut für Physik, Universität Oldenburg: Doing better Theoretical Physics by using modern Computer Science optimization algorithms

TCS Forum talk,T3, at 14.15-15.00
Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Professor, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Departament de Fisica i Enginyeria Nuclear): Epidemic modeling of computer viruses


Avoinna: opettavan tutkijan viran hoito 1.8.2007-31.7.2008. Hakuaika päättyy 20.6. Ks. tarkempia tietoja.


25.5. Licentiate's thesis presentation, TB353, at 10.30-11.15
Matti Järvisalo, M.Sc.(Tech.), TKK (Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science): Theoretical and Practical Implications of Restricted Branching to the Efficiency of Clause Learning SAT Solving

4.5. TCS Forum talk,TB353, at 14.15-15.00
Tomi Janhunen, D. Sc. (Tech.), TKK (Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science): Modularity Aspects of Disjunctive Stable Models


7.3. Harjoittelu-/diplomityöpaikka tietojenkäsittelyteorian laboratoriossa
Luku- ja tenttijärjestysten automaattinen laatiminen

2.3. TCS Forum talk,TB353, at 14.15-15.00
Timo Asikainen, Researcher, TKK (Software Business and Engineering Institute): A Short Introduction to Software Variability Management


23.2. TCS Lounge esitelmä, TB353, klo 14.15 -15.00
Tekn. yo Sami Kauppinen, VTT : Luottamuksen arviointi komponenttipohjaisessa ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurissa (Diplomityöesitelmä)

TCS Forum talk, TB353, 14:15-15:00
Doctor Viktor Schuppan, Munich, Germany : Liveness Checking as Safety Checking to Find Shortest Counterexamples to Linear Time Properties

TCS Forum talk, TB353, 14:15-15:00
Professor Erik Aurell (Division of Theoretical Biological Physics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm): Some numerical experiments with local heuristics for 3SAT


The Model Checking Research group is looking for one Postdoctoral researcher and one Doctoral student.
The deadline for applications is Feb 9, 2007.
Further information

TKK:n tietojenkäsittelyteorian laboratorio hakee kesäteekkareita kesäksi 2007.

TKK Laboratory for Theoretical Computer Science is looking for trainees for the summer 2007.
Further information

TCS Forum talk, sali T3, klo 14.15-15.00
Toimistopäällikkö, TkT, Dos. Juhani Hyvärinen (Säteilyturvakeskus, STUK): Ydinvoimalaitosten automaatio ja sen viranomaisvalvonta

Call for applications for a Professorship in Distributed Computation in TCS lab. Deadline for the applications February 9, 2007.

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Latest update: 30 September 2008. Eero Lassila