T-79.300 Postgraduate Course in Theoretical Computer Science (4- cr)Spring 2005: Simulation
[General Information]
Ad hoc networks are originally designed for military environment in mind, especially to operate in hostile environment in the battlefield. However, ad hoc networks are also envisaged in various civilian applications, such as establishing wireless links between the mobile phone and its peripherals, or creating control network in industrial automation. Many routing protocols have been proposed to handle routing of data between nodes in ad hoc networks. The number of nodes can vary from few nodes to hundreds of nodes causing different routing protocols to behave significantly different ways. In addition, the routing protocols will be impacted strongly by the patterns how the mobile nodes are moving relative to each other and the way how nodes are communicating with each other. Hence, it is a complex task to analyze the behavior of such networks. The performance of routing protocols can be analyzed with three alternative ways: analytical/mathematical methods, measurements from an existing system and simulating operations of a model system. In this course, we study how simulation approach can be used in analyzing performance and other features of wireless ad hoc networks. This includes impacts of routing protocols, mobility patterns, number of nodes, and traffic models. We shall use one of the most common simulators, NS-2, as the simulation tool.
In addition, during the course, there is a possibility to review the latest research publications on the area of mobility management and wireless communication. General
Simulation project 2. Proposal deadline February 28th. Project deadline May 31st. Requirement: Create your own protocol in ns2, or make interesting changes to some part of ns2. Run simulations and analyze results. Grading 0-5 based on the difficulty and execution of the project.
Schedule (continuously updated)Contact professor to reserve your presentation slot and topic.
Seminar material (continuously updated)
http://www.monarch.cs.cmu.edu/papers.html http://toilers.mines.edu/EXTERNAL/twiki/bin/view/Toilers/PublicationList Interesting papers http://www.monarch.cs.cmu.edu/monarch-papers/ipsn2004.pdf http://www.monarch.cs.cmu.edu/monarch-papers/wise03.pdf http://www.monarch.cs.cmu.edu/monarch-papers/darpa99.ps http://toilers.mines.edu/papers/pdf/Models.pdf http://toilers.mines.edu/EXTERNAL/twiki/pub/Toilers/PublicationList/boleng-icwn-215wn.pdf http://toilers.mines.edu/EXTERNAL/twiki/pub/Toilers/PublicationList/bcast.pdf http://toilers.mines.edu/EXTERNAL/twiki/pub/Toilers/PublicationList/CSM-MCS-04-03.pdf http://toilers.mines.edu/EXTERNAL/twiki/pub/Toilers/PublicationList/CSM-MCS-03-08.pdf http://toilers.mines.edu/EXTERNAL/twiki/pub/Toilers/PublicationList/CSM-MCS-03-08.pdf Master's theses and dissertations http://toilers.mines.edu/EXTERNAL/twiki/pub/Toilers/PublicationList/BWilliams.ps.gz http://toilers.mines.edu/EXTERNAL/twiki/pub/Toilers/PublicationList/vanessa-thesis.pdf [TCS main] [Contact Info] [Personnel] [Research] [Publications] [Software] [Studies] [News Archive] [Links] Latest update: 20 April 2005. Hannu Kari |