Johan Lilius. On the folding of algebraic nets. Research Report A30, Helsinki University of Technology, Digital Systems Laboratory, Espoo, Finland, August 1994.
A folding in General Net theory is morphism that is surjective on places and transitions. Foldings can be used to relate CE-systems to "high-level system". In this paper we study the problem of relating Petri Nets to non-strict High-level Nets. We give a construction that given a morphism of Petri Nets produces an Algebraic Net that characterises the folding in a canonical way. We also prove that the construction is functorial. Then we show how the construction can be made to work on Algebraic Nets directly. Finally we discuss an application of the construction.
concurrency, net theory, high-level nets
Suggested BibTeX entry:
address = {Espoo, Finland},
author = {Johan Lilius},
institution = {Helsinki University of Technology, Digital Systems Laboratory},
month = {August},
number = {A30},
pages = {28},
title = {On the folding of Algebraic Nets},
type = {Research Report},
year = {1994},