LightweIght formal Methods for distributed component-based Embedded systems (LIME2)
Oct 1, 2009 – Sep 30, 2011
This research project is part of the Ubicom project by Tekes, and is done in collaboration with Conformic Software and Space Systems Finland.
Project leader: Prof. Ilkka Niemelä
Research personnel: Prof. Keijo Heljanko, M.Sc. Tuomas Launiainen, Stud.Tech. Janne Kauttio
Summary: The LIME2 project develops a novel lightweight formal method and related tools for distributed component-based embedded systems. The challenge is to enhance the design of such systems so that system validation can be started in an earlier stage of the design cycle when the system has been implemented only partially. This is continuation of the LIME1 project that developed a lightweight interface specification method and some related monitoring and testing tools. The LIME2 project aims to extend the interface specification method and devise novel testing techniques which enable incremental testing for distributed components already in early stages where the systems has been implemented only partially.
Publications of the project
The software released by this project can be found here. New versions have been released when the project ended.
Internal pages
The project deliverables can be found on the internal pages of the project (password required).
Results from the previous LIME1 project
- The final report summarizing the results Oct 2007–Sep 2009 [PDF]
- Publications of the LIME1 project.
- LIME test bench toolset: LimeTB-1.0.0.tar.gz developed in LIME1
Local information
Project team members:
- Remember to add you publications to the bibdb system and use the flag LIME2 in the publications related to this project.
- The project number for LIME2 is 211149.
Latest update: 12. October 2011.