1. Rating Rate the paper in the following categories (For each category, choose a one numeric rating) Overall grade (overall, how do you rate this summary paper?) 4: Very good Language (how fluent is the language, did you understand what this paper is saying?) 4: Very good Technical quality 4: Contents are mostly correct. Some improvements suggested below. Editorial quality 4: Mostly understandable, some improvements identified below Confidence (how confident are you about this review?) 2: I have some general knowledge of this subject 2. Detailed comments Provide detailed written comments on the paper. In general, your main aim as a reviewer is to help improve the paper. Be as specific as you can when you point out errors or problems. Suggest concrete improvements whenever possible. Your review should cover the following three aspects. Use the suggested guidelines in composing your review for each aspect. The paper is clear to introduce the basic concepts and technologies on data dissemination and gathering. It proves the good review of the resources. However, due to the limited resources, the discussion on the subject is attached to the basics without extensions. I have following suggestions: - data dissemination and gathering is often associated with location information, especially in the moving sensor networks. Therefore, the subject would be better, if more stuff on non-static sensor applications are addressed. - Security is neglected in the paper. Vulnerabilities in the current solutions should be pointed out in the disadvantage analysis. Attacks could be mentioned for clear understanding of the subject. - Applications on the area are preferred to state for a clear view of the state of art. - Since the paper is a review of existing technologies. A more detailed comparison, including all mentioned solutions, would be a nice work.