Results to the Exam: T-79.4301 Parallel and Distributed Systems 31st of August 2006 Student number 1 2 2 4 5 Sum Exam HW Grade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXXXA 3.5 8.5 3 2 2 19 4 +1 5 XXXXXL 3 8 4.5 2 0 17.5 3 OK 3 XXXXXM 3 3.5 3.5 0 0 10 0 OK 0 XXXXXS 3.5 8 2 3 3 19.5 4 +1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maximum points 4 9 5 3 3 24 Exam grading scale: 5: 20.0-24.0 4: 18.0-19.5 3: 16.0-17.5 2: 13.0-15.5 1: 11.0-12.5 0: 0.0-10.5 Grade distributions: Exam Final course grade 5: 0 5: 2 4: 2 4: 0 3: 1 3: 1 2: 0 2: 0 1: 0 1: 0 0: 1 0: 1 ---- ---- 4 4 You can come and inspect your exam grading on Tuesday, 3rd of October at 12:00 in Room TB-357 (CS building, 3rd floor). Course Lecturer, Keijo Heljanko