T-79.240 Special Course on Computational Complexity
Autumn 2004
Practical arrangements
The course is passed by
giving a seminar talk and
solving home assignments.
Seminar talks are 45 min each.
No written report is required but the talks will be graded (by the
lecturer and other students), see the evaluation form
[PS, PDF] (in
There will be 2 home assignments/week.
The assignments can be returned at the lectures or tutorials or to the
box by the room TB336 or in PostScript form by email to mjj(at)tcs.hut.fi
When returning your assignments to the
assistant please have your name, student number
(opiskelijanumero) as well as the number of the assignment on your answer.
For each home assignment please provide an appropriate justification,
argument or calculation, i.e., it is not enough to give just the
The assignments are graded by Tuesday a week after the 2-point
If you
haven't received full points, you can visit the assistant Matti
Järvisalo (preferable in conjunction with the tutorials on Tuesday) to
receive feedback.
It is possible to resubmit corrections to submitted solutions.
The resubmission deadline is on Tuesday two weeks from the 2-point
deadline of the assignment. However, the resubmitted
assignments are graded with the scale 0-1.5.
There is a fall-back deadline for those home assignments that you
have not submitted within the 2-point deadline. This is Jan
14, 2005.
For assignments returned by the fall-back deadline the scale is 0-1.5.
There is no final exam.
The grade of the course is determined by
the grade for the seminar talk (20 %) and
the grade for the home
assignments (80 %) which is obtained using the following table.
There are 5 EXTRA BONUS
assignments for the course.
By solving bonus assignments you can increase your
total points but they do not affect point limits for the grades.
The bonus assignments are graded with the scale 0-1.5 and the deadline
for returning bonus assignments is also Jan 14, 2005.